10 Science-Based Benefits of Taking Multivitamins Daily

10 Science-Based Benefits of Taking Multivitamins Daily

When was the last time you wondered if your multivitamin was actually doing anything for you? Sure, you’ve heard they help “provide you with vitamins and minerals,” but what exactly does that mean? Are there actually science-based benefits to taking multivitamins daily?

The answer is yes.

In this article, we are going to break down 10 science-based benefits of taking multivitamins daily so that you can stop crossing your fingers hoping multivitamins are helping — now you’ll know!

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor or dietician before making any changes to your nutrition plan or adding any new supplements into your regimen. Additionally, not all multivitamins are created equal. Be sure you are using a trusted brand that utilizes the highest quality ingredients.

10 Science-Based Benefits of Taking Multivitamins

Some people are skeptical about whether or not they should take a multivitamin. Some consider them “a waste of money.” Fortunately for you, you’ve come to the right place because below are 10 science-based benefits of taking multivitamins daily.

Fill nutrient gaps

1.      Fill Nutrient Gaps

You don’t have to take my word for it, you can work with a dietician who will tell you the same thing, but the fact is, you’re not getting all of your micronutrients through your diet alone. Even if you think you are consuming enough fruits, vegetables, etc., in your current nutrition plan, the amount of food you’d need to consume to hit your daily micronutrient intake requirements would be impossible. That’s where a multivitamin comes into play.

Related Article: Not All Multivitamins Are Created Equal – Here’s What You Need to Know

One of the science-based benefits of taking multivitamins daily is that they provide your body with all the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly and support health. Research[1] has shown this, as many people are deficient in many micronutrients due to a poor diet.


2.      Boost Immune Function

If you’re like most people, you start increasing your vitamin C and zinc levels when the temperatures drop and winter is in full swing. Why? Because these micronutrients are vital to helping keep your immune system optimized and protecting you against the sniffles and sneezes that cold weather brings.

When thinking about the science-based benefits of taking multivitamins daily, it’s hard to dismiss the immunity benefits that a multi can produce. Boosting key nutrients like vitamin C, zinc, vitamins A and D3, iron, and selenium can boost immune function[2] and ward off illnesses.


Boost immune function with multi-sport

3.      Support Brain Health

Quite frankly, one of the most impressive science-based benefits of taking multivitamins daily is what it can do for your brain health. Being consistent with its use, multivitamins can help improve cognitive function[3] 

How many times have you joked around with friends and family saying, “I have a great memory, it’s just short.” Well, this could be a solution to your memory woes. What the research findings have shown is that when using a daily multivitamin, its use can enhance your memory and recollection.


4.      Improve Longevity

Far too many people wake up each morning without a single thought about how lucky they are to put both feet on the floor. What if you didn’t wake up tomorrow? Kind of morbid, no? But seriously, have you thought about your longevity? You should.

The good news from such a dreary topic is that one of the science-based benefits of taking multivitamins daily is that (especially in women) their use can increase telomere length[4] and improve longevity. Taking a daily multivitamin can help tune up your metabolism[5] and support a healthy lifespan.


Improve Longevity with multi-sport

5.      Amplify Muscle and Bone Function

 Ensuring you get enough vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium daily is essential to muscle and bone health. Unfortunately, not many people take in enough of these nutrients through their diet, so a supplement is necessary to fill those nutrient gaps.

 Related Article: Multivitamins — Why Athletes May Need More Micronutrients

 When looking at the science-based benefits of taking multivitamins daily, not only are you getting the micronutrients we just mentioned, but to amplify muscle and bone function, you’re also getting adequate amounts of vitamin K2[6] along with other minerals that support bone density and strength as well as optimizing muscle function.


Support bone, muscle, and joint health with multi-sport

6.      Enhance Heart Health

 Your ticker is what keeps you alive. If/when it stops, you stop. Seems simple enough, right? Therefore, you need to start paying more attention to your heart health, and it goes deeper than ensuring you’re hitting your cardio sessions to keep your cardiovascular fitness fine-tuned.

 Much of what you put in your body can affect your heart health. When it comes to the science-based benefits of taking multivitamins daily, there are three antioxidants that you should really focus on — lutein[7], lycopene[8], and zeaxanthin[9]. Ensure that your multivitamin contains all three to get the most heart health benefits from your multi.


Maintain eye health with multi-sport

7.      Maintain Eye Health

 Our senses are something many of us use daily and don’t put much thought into. Why? Well, because they’ve always been there, and we take that for granted. As you age, you run the risk of running into vision and eye health issues. Ensuring you’re taking in the right nutrients can help support and maintain proper eye health over the long term.

 Another of the science-based benefits of taking multivitamins daily is that the vitamins and minerals found in the profile can play a vital role and significantly impact eye health[10]. Interestingly enough, circling back to what was said above about heart health, carotenoid antioxidants[11], such as lutein and zeaxanthin, can also aid in maintaining overall eye health.


Aid your skin health with multi-sport

8.      Aid in Healthy Skin

 Being that you exercise regularly, you clearly want to look your best. After all, when you look good, you feel good. But as you age, you may notice your skin health starts to deteriorate.

 If you want to maintain a youthful appearance and improve the health of your skin, multivitamins can be a solution. One of the science-based benefits of taking multivitamins daily is that they contain key ingredients[12], such as vitamins A, C, E, biotin, zinc, and a whole host of antioxidants that prevent free radicals from doing harm to your skin.


Support nail health with multi-sport

9.      Improve Nail Health

 Do you find your nails break easily? If so, you may be deficient in some crucial nutrients that support nail health. If you want to build strong and resilient nails, taking a quality multivitamin can help.

 Just like with your skin and hair, nutrients are needed to help keep them strong and healthy. Another of the science-based benefits of taking multivitamins daily is that the inclusion of key nutrients like biotin, vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as minerals like copper, zinc, and iron, all play a role in improving nail health[13].


10.  Support Healthy Hair

 Last but not least, on our list of 10 science-based benefits of taking multivitamins daily deals with your hair. Just like with your skin and nails, your hair requires adequate amounts of essential minerals in order for it to look and be healthy.

 By including a daily multivitamin in your supplement regimen, you can take in sufficient amounts of biotin[14] and silica[15] to make your luscious locks one of your best features.


Get the Best Multivitamin Money Can Buy — Your Health Depends on It!

 Being the active individual that you are, not just any multivitamin you’ll find on the shelf or online will do the job. Your body demands a multivitamin that will not only keep up with the grueling demand you put on it but that will also work as hard as you do.

At NutraBio, we cater to not only elite athletes but also health and fitness enthusiasts who are dedicated to living a healthy and active lifestyle. For that reason, we create NutraBio MultiSport for Men and NutraBio MultiSport for Women.

Our advanced multivitamin formulas provide you with the vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant support to support your overall health and help provide you with the science-based benefits of taking multivitamins daily that were mentioned throughout this article. If you want to experience a multivitamin that was designed to suit your lifestyle and needs, NutraBio has you covered!


By: Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN


  1. Blumberg, Jeffrey B et al. “Impact of Frequency of Multivitamin/Multi-Mineral Supplement Intake on Nutritional Adequacy and Nutrient Deficiencies in U.S. Adults.” Nutrients 9,8 849. 9 Aug. 2017, doi:10.3390/nu9080849
  2. Fantacone, Mary L et al. “The Effect of a Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement on Immune Function in Healthy Older Adults: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial.” Nutrients 12,8 2447. 14 Aug. 2020, doi:10.3390/nu12082447
  3. Grima, Natalie A et al. “The effects of multivitamins on cognitive performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis.” Journal of Alzheimer’s disease : JAD 29,3 (2012): 561-9. doi:10.3233/JAD-2011-111751
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  11. Johra, Fatima Tuj et al. “A Mechanistic Review of β-Carotene, Lutein, and Zeaxanthin in Eye Health and Disease.” Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland) 9,11 1046. 26 Oct. 2020, doi:10.3390/antiox9111046
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